Home Video Hustle
No film is safe from The Home Video Hustle! Good, bad or loved by the world over, we cover them! Sure, we may not like your favorite movie and sure, you probably think our favorites suck but that’s the beauty of it! We break the movies down piece by piece and add our thoughts, tangents and spirited conversations along the way! Since 2017 we’ve been getting our Hustle on and we hope you can too, every Friday! Follow us on pretty much every social media outlet and even better, show us some love on Patreon.
Home Video Hustle
No film is safe from The Home Video Hustle! Good, bad or loved by the world over, we cover them! Sure, we may not like your favorite movie and sure, you probably think our favorites suck but that’s the beauty of it! We break the movies down piece by piece and add our thoughts, tangents and spirited conversations along the way! Since 2017 we’ve been getting our Hustle on and we hope you can too, every Friday! Follow us on pretty much every social media outlet and even better, show us some love on Patreon.
Home Video Hustle
No film is safe from The Home Video Hustle! Good, bad or loved by the world over, we cover them! Sure, we may not like your favorite movie and sure, you probably think our favorites suck but that’s the beauty of it! We break the movies down piece by piece and add our thoughts, tangents and spirited conversations along the way! Since 2017 we’ve been getting our Hustle on and we hope you can too, every Friday! Follow us on pretty much every social media outlet and even better, show us some love on Patreon.

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